Bose Miguel te buscar

Bose Miguel
I will look for you
I will count
hundreds of stars will fall from the sky
and only one will take you...
I feel that< br/>I have to flee or fill with magic
this story between the two of us...
And today the desire pushes me
and losing control
I will look for you in your eyes
I will look for you in the sun
that the secret poison
of this love that you give me
has an effect on my chest
it hurts and asks for more
br/>There is something left in the air
something about you to resolve
I start from nothing
who knows where I will end up
Against the wind
by the sea
ready to shipwreck
I will cross mountains, words and thoughts
east, west, north and south.
It will take time
but even if a thousand years pass like this, he swears In the end I will find you...
There is in the air if
something about you that comes and goes
I know you are close
I know you can't escape
br/>Against the wind
by the sea
ready to ship
And today when the desire is gone
control is out of control
I will look for you in your eyes
I will look for you in the sun
that the secret essence
of the love you give me
is the key and answer
to everything and much more...
I feel the urge
I lose control
I search in the looks
I search in the sun
I search in the deepest places
I search where there is none
I will search without respite
I search for you without stopping
I search for you in the heights
I will search for you until the end
whether you like it or not you like it
I will search for you if !
I'll look for you yes!