Boudewijn De Groot een respactabel man

Because he always gets out of bed early
And is outside at eight o'clock,
Always sits on the same train,
Goes home at half past six.
Because his world is built on punctuality
It never goes wrong.
And he is oh so good
And he is oh so nice
And he is oh so solid
And he can be proud of that on his.
He is very respected
Here in town
And he does well
What dad taught him.
And his mother goes to a meeting
Because she has claimed a share.
She drinks tea with her accountants
While his dad takes the girl.
And besides money she also looks
at every handsome young boy.< br/>And he is oh so good...
And he loves his garden so much
And he likes his cigars the best.
And he is better than the rest
And his sweat smells the best.
And he hopes to get the money
From his father when he dies.
And he is oh so good...
He always goes to the stock market
Because he has certificates.
He adores the girl next door
Because he doesn't dare to talk to her.
But his mother knows best
What marriage entails.
And he is oh so good...