Boxer the Horse pretty bloody

busted-cane-sugar-crowned lovers came into my town to see all the little Punks wrestle with conformity and drown they've got each other but not for long because we've all prepaid in advance for the Lonely Misanthropic League's Annual Society Dance step down to the bottom of a well my killer nothing's gonna get you closer to McGill than tellin' all your friends your feeling pretty bloody and you've got to go home ohohOHhoh face-white-fist-clenched rushing through the grand suspense to find someone in the end is just to lose your medical expenses this botched Blitzkrieg is all you've got break a chord to tie a knot but all that's tied is their tired and sorrowful Statements to the lopsided unofficial victories oh god! he wants to tell you something but you're gonna have to bleed so tell everybody you know that you've been pretty bloody lately baby all we ever get is tied down by ourselves but we like it don't we? don't leave me crawling up! yeah tell everyone you know that you've been pretty bloody lately because the kids have screwed themselves still they assure you that they feel just like you do ohhhaaohohah