Brassens Georges il n y a pas d amour heureux

Brassens Georges
There Is No Happy Love
Poem by Louis Aragon
Music: Georges Brassens
(Same tune as La prayer)
(c) 1965 Société Nouvelle des Éditions
Musicales TUTTI rights transferred to
1 Nothing is ever acquired to man neither his strength
Neither his weakness nor his heart and when he believes
Opening his arms his shadow is that of a cross
And when he thinks he is grasping his happiness he grinds
Her life is a strange and painful divorce
There is no happy love.
2 Her life resembles these unarmed soldiers
What we had dressed for another destiny
what good can it do for them to get up in the morning
They who we find in the evening disarmed and uncertain
Say these words my life and hold back your tears
There is no happy love.
3 My beautiful love my dear love my heartbreak
I carry you inside me like a wounded bird
And those without knowing watch us pass by
Repeating after me these words that I have braided
And which for your big eyes immediately died
There is no happy love.
4 The time to learn to live is already too late
Let our hearts cry in unison in the night
How much misfortune is needed for the slightest song
What regrets are needed to pay for a shiver
What sobs are needed for a guitar tune
There is no has no happy love.