Brathanki wreszcie si ustatkuj

Finally settle down - it's time, it's time
Try to be serious - at least once,
And decide - choose one of us,
It's high time!
There are thousands of green leaves on the tree.
How can I, poor thing, swear to one?!
Where to hurry? I prefer to be happy
Every minute, as long as it is not sad,
As long as the heart is young!
Should I go on a ship? I prefer to give thanks
With every breath, word, smile
For the fact that blood is not water!
I'm still too young, I still don't want to get married.
I still don't have enough of this bright world!
Is this wine: life is like wine
I want to get drunk! He kept calling out:
Stay, jesteś piękna, wait a minute!
As long as this intoxication is in me,
This amazement, this delight -
I know that I am really alive!
Finally settle down. . . etc.
No one is old! For scrap - all clocks!
Calendar on fire! Long live young life!
And now - I want to rejoice and sin!
I chase happiness as long as it burns
The fire is still inside me!
A mouth to sing, to kiss,
My heart is hot to love -
That's why I'm in the world!
Finally settle down. . . etc.
Finally settle down - it's time, it's time!
Try to be serious - at least once,
And decide - choose which of us
It's high time!
And now, I want to be happy. . . etc.