Brave Combo la cumparsita

Brave Combo
La Cumparsita
If you only knew
That even within my soul
I keep that love
That I had for you...!
Who knows, if you only knew
That I have never forgotten you...!
Going back to your past
Will you remember me?..
The friends no longer come
Not even to visit me;
No one wants to console me
In my affliction;
Since the day you left
I feel anguish in my chest;
Dec? Percanta, what have you done
Of my poor heart!
I always remember you
With the holy affection
That I had for you;
And you are inside my soul,
Piece of my life,
In the dear illusion
That I will never forget?
To the abandoned parrot
Not even the morning sun
Looking out of the window,
Like when you were there...
And that little companion dog
Who didn't eat because of your absence
When he saw me alone the other day, did he leave me too?