brentalfloss & Channel Awesome that kind of song

It's weird
We're so used to hearing that kind of song
And yet, when you think about it logically
It's so obviously wrong
In real life
It can take so much time just to find a good guy
In real life
It can be really hard just to tell someone Hi.
But in a musical
Courtships don't take long
Because in a musical, who cares about logic
when people can break into song?
In real life
There's no guy who could capture my heart with one glance
In real life
How can one chance encounter lead straight to romance?
Wouldn't that be stupid?
Wouldn't that be lame?
A hasty hello
And they're ready to go
Pick their first baby's name
*laugh* Paul Junior.
What if we were in that kind of song?
We'd look like a pair of fools
Looking into each other's eyes
Reflecting like radiant, wonderful, beautiful, wonderful pools
You'd be the dashing young hero
And you'd be the intriguing ingenue
In a way, you have to love that kind of song, cause
That's how I feel about you