Brian Vander Ark reverend girl

We are for today
We are for the moment
We are a crusade
But we are invalid
I am rummaging
Stained my hands on her antique
With a reverend girl
I am so indifferent
I am whatever
3 AM cellophane
Suffocates my favorite things
With a reverend girl
Seems that the more we're achieving
The less chance of leaving this world
With a reverend girl
Another lover wakes me
Head upon a window pane
Before the thunder shook us
She could always smell the rain
A year is dissipating
Another hail cannot disdain
Never mind the thunder
Now my lover smells like
Now my lover smells like
Now my lover smells like rain
With a reverend girl
Seems that the more we're achieving
The less chance of leaving this world
With a reverend girl
Seems that the more we're achieving
The less chance of leaving this world
With a reverend girl
With a reverend girl
With a reverend girl