Bristles malm 26 union bashing state

the picket line said: no go
this sushi place is blocked
the boss harasses workers
and tries to beat 'em up
fighting for
fighting for
fighting for our rights
fighting for
fighting for
fighting for our rights - Malmö 26
the boss called the cops
who declared the line illegal
broke it with sticks and pepper spray
picketers blind, vomiting, bleeding
fighting for
fighting for
fighting for our rights
fighting for
fighting for
fighting for our rights - Malmö 26
the cops took in 26
now they're on trial
for being in a union
exercising workers rights
fighting for
fighting for
fighting for our rights
fighting for
fighting for
fighting for our rights - Malmö 26
no more right to strike - union bashing state
no rights when being sacked - union bashing state
capitalists given carte blanche - union bashing state
annihilate the working class - union bashing state
malmö 26 x4