Brit Lay wedding song

"Wedding Song"
When I give my heart away, you know that it's forever;
As I give my love I give my word to you.
And as our lives unfold for us, we'll watch them bloom together,
Every moment we shall see the world anew.
Who can say why love has brought us here,
Who can say where love will lead
It's enough to know that love will show the way.
And the Vow we take to love, in both our fullness and our need,
Will be every living as it is today.
So here we stand together, and here we make a stand,
To offer love to holiness, in faith to understand...
That if living is for loving, and if only Truth is true,
Then I dedicate myself to loving you.
As love roots out the obstacles, and brings them up to see,
We shall offer them to Truth and let them go...
Like a forgotten song remembered, with the words and melody,
Love arises from within to take us home.
So here we stand together, and here we make a stand,
To offer love to holiness, in faith to understand...
That if living is for loving, and if only Truth is true,
Then I dedicate myself to loving you.
~Brit Lay