Broilers nur ein land

[Verse 1]
Dreams of federal eagles and crows
Of living on your knees and dying standing up
Flied over the land
I looked down
Was from Tinfoil hats blinded
The crew of the Reichs still not ended
Whipped by disgust
I've seen your limits
If it wasn't all so bitter'
But you're just a country, we shape it you
You are governed, you don't govern me
What do you want to tell me, what should I feel?
Love for you, in front of closed doors?
It's just you one country
[Verse 2]
Arm in arm, how we have cried
The grace of birth that unites us
The flag hangs limp and heavy as lead
This summer fairy tale is over
The fog is thick, nothing can be seen
Chemtrails and stupidity and what would be if?
There's something crawling on this lap
That's ugly and smells ugly
If it all wasn't so bitter'
But you are just a country, we shape you
You are ruled, you don't rule me
What do you want to tell me, what should I feel?
Love for you, in front of locked doors?
In front of locked doors
The access is bad, the doors are closed
I don't belong here, I don't belong about it
It all seems so strange to me
I'm standing on the sidelines and don't celebrate with us
But you're just a country, we shape you
You are ruled, you don't rule me
What do you want to tell me, what should I feel?
Love for you, in front of closed doors?
You are just a country