Brother Oliver darling

Who are we? Who are we, darling?
The air is still in your eyes.
Where are we? Where are we, darling?
‘Cause I cannot see through mine.
Who is it that visits daily to prick me in the side?
Who's knocking? I'll answer, darling.
But no one's coming inside.
Oh my dar—
Oh my darling—
Oh my darling, darl—
Oh my dar—
Oh my darling—
Oh my darling, darl—
It's an old world, all the same old shale.
We live and we die.
And it's a cold world. Some say it's getting warmer.
But it still won't melt the ice in our minds.
I'm a young gun, yet old as dirt—
Story telling all the time.
We're young fools, but hey, hey, hey, better that,
Than being wise in our own eyes.
Oh my dar—
Oh my darling—
Oh my darling, darl—
Oh my dar—
Oh my darling—
Oh my darling, darl—
Oh my dar—
Oh my darling—
Oh my darling, darl—
Oh my dar—
Oh my darling—
Oh my darling, darl—