Brujeria isla de la fantasa

This is a story about some friends
Who were fishing there in the keys
A dwarf rafter arrived at the boat
He told them that they fish where they shouldn't
The desire
He told them
The parakeet has arrived
Fantasy Island
The plane! The plane! Oh, the plane is coming
And the dwarf told them to get out of here now
They are very close to the magical island
And there your wishes come true
A friend shouted : make me king perricón
I'm here, here's the plane coming!
Welcome to the island of fantasy
Where all your wishes will come true
It's not a dream
This is your life
Fantasy island
It's better than the sky
The plane! the plane!
And a plane passed by flying low
To the water made a full package
They took it up, they saw it, 100 kilos of lleyo
The friend screamed I am rey perricón
My wish
It has arrived
I am perricón
Fantasy Island
Chief perricón, that is not yours that is not yours
He is going to return plane and it's going to kill us all it's going to kill us all
Oh, the plane is coming
And because his wish fell from the sky
And the perricon thought that God does love me
And the dwarf shouted airplane he airplane nos van a matar a all