Bunbury palo de mayo

Tomorrow I leave again for Managua,
I have an appointment at the Parnaso bookstore.
I met with a few girls
who work in a night club.
They want to take me to the neighborhood to to dance,
they are going to teach me Maypole.
I am a good dancer with a few drinks,
too clumsy if I go too far.
Their beauty allows them to be punishers:
I'm not going to refuse.
They will be the ones who decide,
and I'm not going to refuse.
If they listened more, it wouldn't be them,
Just like without pain, there is no more blues.
I don't know if there is someone inside your roof,
or like the tide, they come and go.
No matter what they propose,
I'm not going to refuse.
I'll take it, they'll bring it,
and I'm not going to refuse.
Their beauty allows them to be punishers:
I'm not I'm going to refuse.
They will be the ones who decide,
and I'm not going to refuse.
No matter what they propose,
I'm not going to refuse.
I'll smoke, they'll bring the pot,
and I'm not going to refuse.
To the maypole, to the maypole.
To the maypole.