Burn Down Eden artificial exitus

The stench of excrement is choking my throat.
Ruthless white light is blinding my eyes.
Despised I look on the bed, this altar of endless pain.
Sometimes a grave is much bigger than a coffin.
(Sometimes a grave is much bigger than a coffin.)
Slowly I approach, curious, disgusted.
I want to see the face of a soul completely exiled.
Light-headed because of the increasing malodor.
I hold down the craving to throw up so I can get closer.
(I) It is just | (see) a shell.
(The) Stinking | (Light) rotting away.
(In) What separates | (Side) life from death.
(My) A quick slash | (head) through the throat.
What lays down there is no more alive than a mother,
who lost her little daughter to decaying cancer.
Hear the beeping sounds of merciless machines.
Bound to white-sheeted scaffold he lays.
(Sometimes a grave is much bigger than a coffin.)
My mission is clear, I grasp the knife.
His eyes are closed, so peacefully he dies.
The red sprays into my face,
I take a deep breath, finally he is free.
(I) It is just | (see) a shell.
(The) Stinking, rotting, | (Light) fading away.
(In) What separates | (Side) life from death.
(My) A quick slash | (head) right through the throat.
The stench of excrement is choking my throat.
Merciless white light is blinding my eyes.
Deeply despaired I look on the converging wall.
Sometimes a grave is much bigger than a coffin.