Burzum jeg faller

High up there I stand in time;
in the green, beautiful and warm,
strong tree crown, in white clouds,
surrounded by the beautiful and friendly few.< br/>I fall.
All the way down.
High up there I stand in time;
at the top of the crown of the world tree.
From high up there I fall from time;
down into the bottomless, empty and timeless.
In the fall, the tree's bark changes shape.
Branches and twigs, leaves and nuts,
rushes past me at great speed.
The roots and the field are approaching.
My time flows away and down to another place.
Into death, out of death it.
Into life, out of life.
Down and over the river
which has no source.
Into the dark, out of the dark;
into the cold, out of the cold.
Through time, out of time;
inside where the deities smile.
I drink from the river of oblivion,
row dry shod across the sea of u200bu200bhate ;
sailing with the wind at his back,
to the end, beginning and meaning of power.