Calcinha Preta chorando se foi llorando se fue

Crying if it was someone who once only made me cry.
Crying if it was someone who once only made me cry.
You will be crying when you remember a love that one day you didn't know how to take care of.
Crying you will be remembering a love that one day you didn't know how to take care of.
The memory will be with him wherever he goes
The memory will be forever wherever he goes
Dance, sun, and sea, I will keep in my eyes, the love you will lose and find
I will be licking, remembering that love for a day, for a moment it was king.
Hey, come and dance, dance. move without stopping, let the body
lick it, let the time pass, pass... by the waters of the sea
In these waves, a piece of us will gild.
In the heat to feel your color,
your strength will come out in the certainty of being able to share
being able to improve lamba love that arrived at the moment of loving.