Calogero le secret

Another story
To listen to alone with yourself
To not let the truth be fooled
Another tart smile that will survive
To the scars so poorly closed
Hidden in deep within me
I know how to forget
All the paths without hope
More lies
To forget our dark thoughts
And the ascent of burnt loves towards the beyond
Another image to erase from its mirror
With a single gesture, with a single glance turned
Turned towards somewhere else
I know how it is done
To tell stories
Oh yes I know I know how we do it
To drown in despair!
The damage is done
Silent he remains in me
I don't watch it
I'll keep it a secret
I'll keep it a secret
Somewhere deep inside me
Where no one can see it
I'll keep it secret
I will keep the secret
Another smile to erase
From memory
A look that must be avoided
So many times
How many caresses to tear away
To the memory so present
Of our bodies still mixed
To the breath of our voices
I know how we do it
To tell each other stories
Oh yes I know I know how we do it
To drown in despair!
The damage is done
Silent he remains in me
I don't look at him
I I will keep the secret
I will keep the secret
Somewhere deep inside me
Where no one can see it
I will keep the secret
I will keep the secret
The survivor never tells
The secrets that shelter him from the currents
He pretends not to suspect the danger
When he senses it.