Camille Bloom turn back to you

I was a Mile a minute kind of kid
Not so proud of some things I did or didn't do
I learned to run from trouble, run from friends
I burned my bridges at both ends looking for you
You can see all parts of me – the good the best, the worst in me it's true
And I knew it from the start that it felt different in my heart to be with you
It's been a hard road Believing that I deserve love
And all the seeds I've sown are cemented in my make-up
But I know now that I'll Turn back to you
When things get rough on the road I've taken
I always hit the gas instead of breaking down
It's a lesson learned from the ones I loved that
When things go wrong, you just don't stick around
So I think I've found what I came here for
I have shattered these walls and I've busted doors to get to you
I won't run from trouble or run from friends
I'm here to stick it out to the bitter end to be with you
But I know that I deserve you