CapaRezza un vero uomo dovrebbe lavare i piatti

You are not a man if like a friar you ask for forgiveness. You're not a man if you're not good at throwing punches. You're not a man if your wife doesn't give a damn about you. You're not a man if... if you don't beat yourself up. You're not a man if you don't drive big cars. You're not a man if you don't throw two hooks at the rides. You're not a man if you're afraid of going back to prison. You're not a man, you're gay if you start crying. You're not a man and you'll end up badly. You're not a man... if you don't have a spherical belly.
You're not a man without a good Sunday suit. You're not a man if you don't go to the brothel at night. You're not a man... if you don't throw your dick. You're not a man if you give up and don't show your claws. You're not a man if you don't slap your children. You are not a man if the respect you have is not enough for you. Do you know what you are missing? An iron in the pocket. You are not a man and you will come to a bad end.
RIT: Don't listen to these slanderers. We don't move forward by force but by the strength of arguments. Don't listen to these idiots. A real man should get up to wash the dishes. A real man should wash the dishes. You're not a man if you don't have the loudest stereo. And then you can see it from the photo you have on your driving license.
You're not a man if you waste time studying books. If you're a man... you better start with muggings. You're not a man if they catch you on the plantation. You're not a man if you mention my name from prison. You're not a man if you fuck me, let alone notice. You are not a living man, you are a dead man. You are not a man and you will come to a bad end. RIT.