Carl Orff excalibur o fortuna from carmina burana

O Fortune (O Fortune)
like the moon
variable state (you are changeable)
semper crescis (always waxing)
or decreasing; (and waning;)
a detestable life (hateful life) )
need, (poverty)
power (and power)
dissolves like ice. (it melts them like ice.)
Fate - monstrous
and empty (you are malevolent)
vain salvation (well-being is vain)
You also shine on me; (you plague me too;)
now through the game
back bare (I bring my bare back)
bring your crime (to your villainy.)
Fate is against me
and virtue (in health)
and failure (and weighted down)
always in trouble. (always enslaved.)
So at this hour
without delay
touch the pulse of the heart; (pluck the vibrating strings;)
what by lot (since Fate)
strikes down the strong
weep with me all! (everyone weep with me!)