Carla Bruni lune

Moon oh sweet moon
Tell me what my destiny will be
Tell me what my fortune will be
Moon oh pretty moon
Where have all my gardens gone
And my windows on your dunes
Tell me if from up there you hear
Our lives when they break
When they bend
When they run out
Or when they laugh
Moon oh poor moon
You must have seen great sorrows
Loneliness and bitterness
Tender moon
You must know what it is
Of our terrors and our mists
Everything that warms us one day goes out
Everything that matters is no longer worth anything
Oh moon light our path
Moon I have learned nothing
Neither from death nor from life
Nor from infinite sadness
But when I see you laugh
I feel like hoping
Moon oh round moon
You are our helpless mother
Our winds, our wonders, and our foam
Moon oh blonde moon
It's because we are overwhelmed
And our lives are shaking like feathers
But we still have summer nights
br/>And your stars and your beauty
And you so soft, a pillow
Moon I don't believe in anything
Neither in gods nor in dogs
Nor in the 'uncertain future
But when I see you shine
I feel like praying