Carlos Varela robinson

When Robinson opened his eyes
and saw that he was alone on an island,
on his lonely little piece of land,
he opened his arms to God
and stared at the sky.
Religion begins in the school murals,
in a photo, in an altar, in a pile of candles.
They are knocking down the statues of Misha the bear
in this game of history
we only pass the token.
Some prefer to say:
remember the revolution now!
but others would like to say:
remember the revolution now!
the revolution now!
When Robinson opened his eyes
and saw that he was alone on an island,
on his lonely little piece of land,
he opened his eyes. arms towards God
and he looked at the sky.
Some talk about the crisis of Marxism,
some cry, laugh, others don't care.
They are knocking down the statues of Misha the bear
in this history game
we only pass the token.
Some prefer to say:
remember the revolution now!
but others would like to say:
br/>remember the revolution now!
the revolution now!
When Robinson opened his eyes
and saw that he was alone on an island,
alone on an island
like you and me.