Carmen Consoli preghiera in gola

She could be seen every morning
with her green coat and eccentric red shoes
for almost 20 years at the window with the rosary on her chest and a prayer in her throat
every morning she could be seen going towards to the postman and return disappointed
for almost 20 years waiting for news we can call painful
it seemed like an angel had come to visit her
she had big eyes and a procession of clouds
br/>surrounded by enormous white wings
in the impetuous flow of time
he nourished the hope that his son lost at the front would return
in the afternoons from his window
he stared at a disputed point
/>between idyll and boredom
it seemed like an angel had come to visit her
she had large eyes and a procession of clouds
surrounded by enormous white wings
celestial features
intense eyes great guardians of a farewell
it seemed an angel had come
to visit her she had large eyes and a procession of clouds
surrounded by enormous white wings
celestial features
intense large eyes guardians of a farewell
guardians of a farewell.