Carnivored artificial preaches

Rusty knife drawn on the abdomen forked tongue .
which spread the seeds of truth on one side ...
glass pulpit above outlines of the truth ...
believe in the existence of the head of (each) chestnut in the life ...
spread the flames of eternal strife ...
breeding vindictive of hatred .
tore each difference by one individual ...
endless destruction taking your lives…
Victory (over) the piles (of) decomposing bodies ...
Every soul buried / and paid off the ground ...
trapped in the hypocrisy (of the) doctrine of faith .
Supremacy over (the) pulpit, oration
Oration … (into the) path of righteousness
bow to … each of the massacre
allowed … for the blood that flows
worship of power (in) which there fell foul of the body ...
Oration … (into the) path of righteousness
bow to … each of the massacre
allowed … for the blood that flows
every skin is burned // and every head that pierced
would pay off with a // reward in the dream ...
human organs (were) strewn // over the land of victory ...
where every blood and eye closed will be there ...
I see, // dogma stain, // (invasion of) mind manipulation,
I feel all // the dogma // that ensnare, invasion // provoking ideology
liar theory always // going to be (a) slavery
obligate all of your mind, // into an intuition
treat the confidence to eliminate the existence (of),
(just a) pile of dirt (in a) sacred vessel
I grow … stronger (in the) freedom-minded.
I am the king … for eve rything in my own life
I vowed … oppose (this) colonialism
there will never … follow (to) this foul dogma
Butcher … all those sacrifice in vain
I spit on your … every command to massacre
Blaspheme … every sermon that deface this ear
i am heresy….
unbearable for those who want to earn rewards
they deny any verse (that) (woul)d become their life's purpose
I stride challenging, blaspheme, the pride of a Heresy