Carolyn Wonderland usurper

Come on in, the water's fine
Come on in, boy, the water's fine
Come on in the water's fine
If it gets too deep, I'll throw you a line
You ain't got nothing but your fears
You ain't brought nothing but your fears
You ain't got nothing but your fears
You'd better let that go, cause it won't float here
You ain't got the sense of a mule
You don't have the sense of a mule
You haven't got the sense of a mule
It makes me wonder who you serve, that here you still ruled
Always take more than you deserve
You always take more than you deserve
Always take more than you deserve
If they don't give it to you, you just usurp it
You've got blood all over your hands
You've got blood dripping right where you stand
You got blood all over our hands
And yo can't wipe it clean with the oil beneath the sand
They say Jesus Christ will forgive you
They know Jesus Christ shall forgive you
I hope Jesus Christ can forgive you
One day I might, right now I don't intend to
Come on in, the water's fine
Come on in, boy, the water's fine
Come on in the water's fine
If it gets too deep, I'll throw you a line