Carpe Noctem odium somniferum

iii. i. So I waited for all
holy sheep,
more and less
may Aurgelmis
ii. He who has an ear,
he hears
and those who don't listen
shall remain silent
iii. Free
from the bondage of the flesh
from the cage of the mind
iv. The edge of the world
is as far to the sky as hell
The emptiness that beats behind the ribs of the river
will lead me to the great pit
v. It falls down from the ground!
And it stands on the black side!
vi. Primordial darkness
will swallow up everything
that is and has been
vii. It still burns
in your chest
ears to break out
viii. Walk into
a dark mountain
Walk into
a disturbing depth
ix. The one who searches
The one who torments
Write the one in a book the one who hurts
x. Immense sights
Ojranic sounds
raise the imagination
xi. The boy of the mountain
hits me
does not bend, does not break
for a while
xii. Phlegethon burns
in these rivers
let the blood open your eyes
xiii. Praise be to the earth and the sea,
For the devil has come down to us
For he knows that he has a short time.
xiv. Visita Interiora Tartaros Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem