Catcat kuuntelen ni maailman

Quietly I listen to the sounds of the world
you have eternity, I have silence
they don't meet each other
they carry lights with shadows
To the waves of my thoughts
to the milky ways
this loneliness is getting denser
is drowning in nothingness
Only a small eternity is missed
between us will remain
it will pass to the grateful ones htiin falls
the rest disappears
Silently I listen to the sounds of the world
you have eternity, I have silence
they don't meet each other
they carry lights with shadows
Far away from the beginning I see
it will soon disappear
just a thin sigh no more
it was left to live I
These memory pictures with me
they are my companion
through them I make my journey alone
far into nothingness
Silently I listen to the sounds of the world
they carry lights with their shadows
Silently I listen to the sounds of the world
you have eternity, I have silence
they do not meet each other
they carry lights with their shadows
carries lights with shadows
carries lights with shadows