Cattivi Pensieri quello che sento

Bad Thoughts
The Box
What I Feel
You leave I feel bad
What do you know, it's another further disappointment
I don't feel anything just smoke and so many people
elementary, I want to fly away
Away and run in the sun alone
Away please I want to take off
Away I would like to stay not go
Away and away again. ..
It's a love story that is born and that dies and goes
from gold to concrete
And I take you by the hand and I say to myself I love and then
That's what I feel...
You leave, you never understand me
Without you I'm a butterfly or a caterpillar
I took your sweater from the drawer
Highness heart, how strange I made a hole
But away and run in the sun alone
Away please I want to take off
Away I would like to stay not go
Away and away again...
It's a love story that is born and that dies and goes from gold to concrete
and I take my hand and say I love you and then
that's what I feel.. .
And I keep thinking that you could come back but then
all that remains is a dream
It's a great emotion that is born and dies and goes...
like what I feel ...
It's a love story that is born and that dies and goes
from gold to concrete
And I take you by the hand and I say to you I love and then
That's what I feel
I close my eyes and fly away
I close my eyes and fly away