Celeste cette silhouette paume et dlabre qui sanglote et meurt

From a woolly cradle to an earthy bed of leaves
She wandered constantly and tried to describe
On porous pages this hideous picture
Which would eventually bring her back to this filth promised
Little by little by slender forms
Rejected and ignored by the native gentleness and her docile sisters
Heavy for her age
She touched to the towers of the barriers which face him
And which he still suffocates
His wavering bearings say a lot about his grimaces of misery
Which haunt blackened visions which rehashes itself again and again
Each time you face visions which for you exude horror
to this lost and dilapidated figure which sobs and dies
Its contours swell and shine on the tiles that you stare at for fear
To nourish this list that you now know by heart