Ceolbeg the high and mighty

The high and the mighty are smiling openly
'Cause they're higher and they're mightier than they ever used to be.
They're building empires; they've fallen into the money trap
And they don't care who they step on just as long as they're stepping up.
Take it back! It's a rich man's tax.
And the people in the middle as sure as hell don't want to go down
So they're clawing and they're scratching Just to make up the lost ground
They're so afraid of failing, at any carrot they will bite
And though they see the wrong about it, they'll convince themselves it's right.
Take it back! It's a rich man's tax.
It's like stealing the bread from a starving mouth
And it's like draining the water of a land scarred by drought
To make the poor pay more while the rich pay less.
That's beyond my comprehension, I must confess.
Take it back! It's a rich man's tax.
And the people in power, they want to keep it that way.
They need the poor to need more money to make their system pay
They'll keep wages so low just to make their profits fat
Yes they'll do anything they have to, to keep the power in their grasp.
Take it back! It's a rich man's tax.