Ceremonial Castings immortal black art

Art, Black Art: We Bow Before The Grace Of Thee
Art, Black Art: We Wonder Into Your Infernal Teachings
Art, Black Art: Provide Us With Your Protection
Art, Black Art: For You We Spill Our Blood
Immortal... Black... Art
Art, Black Art: Grant Us With Your Mysterium
Art, Black Art: United Inside Our Knowledge
Immortal... Black... Art
My Life, My Flesh, My Soul
My Blood From The Blade So Cold
My Heart, My Spirit, My Mind
To You I Shall Be My Sacrifice
Look Deep Into The Strengths Before You
Embrace Us With Your Darkest Arms
Take Heed? We Shall Not Scorn You
Let Us Become!
Look Deep Into The Powers You Bestow
Grant Us Of What We Are Worthy
We Bow Before You In The Darkness Far Below
We Are Your Servants!
My Life, My Flesh, My Soul
My Blood From The Blade So Cold
My Heart, My Spirit, My Mind
To You I Shall Be My Sacrifice
Walk Us Through The Obsidian Gates,
The Gates Of Immortality
Teach Us The Secrets Of The Pasts
Immortal... Black... Art