Chamberlain mountain of a heart

You like cigarettes in the morning
After you've been out all night
You like long conversations
With me under moonlight
You like the way I look in black
You say I'm smooth as glass
You like it all and that's enough for this kid, I guess
You've got a mountain of a heart
You took a train ride straight through Illinois
And found yourself alone
The Midwest ain't no place for a queen
But I'm here so it's home
I've heard it said you can measure
A man by the company he keeps
If that's true, girl, I'm telling you, I must be a king
You left town at dawn with your bags full of clothes
And that old busted down car
You spent three days and three nights
Just to show up at my front door
You've got a mountain of a heart
You like cigarettes in the morning
Even though you smoked a pack last night
You like long conversations with me
You say they make you feel alive
You like the way I look in black
You say I'm smooth as glass
You like it all and that's enough for this kid, I guess
You've got a mountain of a heart