Charles Aznavour jai vu paris

I saw Paris waking up
To hot croissants, to coffee and cream
Paris focusing on its problems
Paris mustard, Paris certife
J I've seen Paris denigrated
Paris bistros, Paris friends
Paris girls we kiss
And pelota on the fortifs
Paris gamberge
Paris twenty banks
Paris I'll take you on a spree
On his bicycle frame
I have your skin to unbutton
Paris the places
Paris red wine
Paris idle, Paris debauched
But also Paris no hiring
On the threshold of the guarded factories
I saw Paris, the fist brandished
And the revolutionary soul
Discovering its popular front
Paris descending into Paris
I saw Paris become passionate
For a king visiting her
A condemned man being decapitated
An invention, a witticism
I saw Paris shouting
Singing a fashionable tune
Froufrou, my ass on the chest of drawers
But unfortunately I also saw
Paris the war
Paris misery
Paris decomposing that we are raping
Paris no longer able to speak
Defeated, suffering and humiliated
Paris scolds
Paris revolts
Paris courage, Paris dull
Paris gas and at half mast
Paris-London parachuted
I saw Paris risking its life
Paris fed up with the bullying
And perched on its barricades
br/>Paris becoming Paris again
I saw Paris transform
Get excited about the automobile
Paris thinks it's a thousand thousand
Paris a driver, Paris laughs
br/>I saw Paris liberated
Paris blues-jeans, farewell complex
Paris gender equality
Paris pill, emancipated
Paris who growls
Paris who knocks
Paris at the prophetic polls
Paris who talks politics
And gets fired up for an idea
Paris on strike
br/>Paris that dreams
Paris sitting, breaking the crust
Or peeing on the side of the roads
Watering its paid vacations
Paris of yesterday and always
Paris twenty centuries of youth
For all your lovers, your mistresses
You remain the greatest love