Charles Aznavour je fantasme

In the hypersexual context
Of our conviviality
My instinctive voyeurism
Offers you a preferential status
Because the erectogenic power
Of your thousand erogen zones
Has a disalienating effect
On my disturbing blockages
I fantasize
erotically, neurotically
I fantasy
Hormonally, traumatically
I fantasize
In paroxysmal psychodramas
Dominantly phallocratic
Or in sadomasochistic saga
Se objectifies my libido
Your maximalized spasms
Confer its specificity
to the genital dialectic
Of our costal conjunctions
I fantasy
erotically, neurotically
I fantasize
Hormonally, traumatic
I fantasize
But this relational pattern
Remains at the conceptual level
And is never more than a substitute
In relation to lived data
And each time I exonerate myself
On some breast fixations
Which I considered motivating
It's the frustrating incompleteness
Because I love you
Possively, fanatically
Because I love you
Romantically, pathetically
Because I love you
I fantasize
Romantically, pathetically
And I love you
Hormonally, traumaticly
br/>I fantasize
Because I love you
Hormonally, traumatically
And fantasize
Romantically, pathetically
And I love you