Chinese Man introduction morning sun

Morning Sun the re-do (the re-do)
I've learned so much and my travel was all over the world (for real)
Come to appreciate life more, life is beautiful (lovely)
From the ghettos of Eastwood y'all (the ghetto)
Life, lessons, curses and blessings,
I sit back, ponder the universe’s greatest questions
What if we were judged by our heart's orientation?
Not, sex, complexion, religion or nation?
Would we still have starvation?
Would we still kill to prove our God is the God of creation?
But the greedy stay fat from the labor of the poor
Would war mean more than the spoils of war?
Would the truth be a guiding force?
Would peace and love, be the source that plans our life course?
Would prison be packed to the brim with men, and,
Would we execute them for a life of sin
Would my good friend kill my another good friend?
Would one be in the ground and one in the pin?
Would there be a such thing as a gun?
Here's the questions I ask when I sit under the Morning Son
The question of the decession, obsession.
Where is God? You think his --- is a maximus question?
Transgression, Supression, Regression
A little suggestion for self-reflexion..
Agression, Obsessions, Positions.
Where is God? You think his --- is a maximus question?
And I make a little suggestion.. I think the answers are in self-reflexion..
[OOOoooooOOOhh(?)...The Morning Sun.........]
I contemplate, why do we hate?
Is evil cultivated? or a sin of my friend in hate?
People pray for iconic escape, God's return day.
Until then what's the world's fate?
Could we live in harmony without the threat of hell?
Or do you go to heaven for dying and not a living?
Poverty, corruption, over-consumption, mass-production, mass-destruction.
Is survival our only function?
If the world so cold then what's the purpose of a man's soul?
What's a man true goal? Is it to eat good, have sex and collect gold?
Little children suffer ours untold
All across the globe, mothers are raped, their babies are sold.
Could different cultures live as one?
Here's the questions I ask when I sit under the Mourning Son..
The question of the decession, obsession.
Where is God? You think his --- is a maximus question?
Transgression, Supression, Regression
A little suggestion for self-reflexion..
Agression, Obsessions, Positions.
Where is God? You think his --- is a maximus the question?
And I make a little suggestion..I think the answers are in self-reflexion..