Chris Remo space asshole

In 2125
I was on a miner colony
Om Mars
Just a quiet backwater fasility
Among the stars
And in one day
I was mined mine busyes
I was mined mine ore
and there he was
Spase asshole
In a truck, flying off a ridge
Spase asshole
Smashing through the bridge
And then he landing, take out his hammer
Struck my boss right in a face
Space asshole
Lefting charges left and right
Space asshole
All he does is the { } fight
I didn't signed up for this
I just wanned to get away
Smomewhere remote
Just a place, where I can on myself
Day's pay
Without been smote
But every time I think I'm save
Every time I think It's gone
I am wrong
Space asshole
Hammer swinging - buildings falling done
Space asshole
play the mischief, this is our touwn
All the rest are dead
Space asshole has preveld
Only I am left will I have to tell a tale of
Space asshole
Comes out of nowhere to destroy
Space asshole
Barely outrage is only can engoy
Spase asshole
In a truck, flying off a ridge
Spase asshole
Smashing through the bridge