Christina Stürmer mr president

I wish for Halloween today
'An invisibility cloak to put on
I would love to have a pet
And a little star, yes my star
Me I wish I had a big wall
That I can paint very colorfully
And also a forget-me-not
That you don't forget me, don't forget me
Bridge 1:
You're telling me that you don't have time today
I know that something like that doesn't fit into your schedule
Because you always have something else planned
When do you have time for me
Hey, mister president
When are you coming over
For some tea, some coffee
For a cake or two
(Because) Then we could talk
About you and me and everyone
(And) then we'll listen to oasis
Check out what's going on
Verses 2:< br/>I've already emailed you many times
I would like more extra money
And peace for the whole world
That would be what I'm missing, yes what I'm missing missing
I wish for a truth day
On which you only tell the truth
And give me a holiday
If I don't want to get up, don't get up like
Bridge 2:
I know that you don't have time again
Because something like that just doesn't fit into your stuff
Because you already have something more important to do
Take it time for me
Chorus 2:
Chorus 2b
Hey, mister president
You're missing something
I can't understand you anymore< br/>Your world is completely wrong
Much worse
You've never been to a rock concert
You don't know that a president
All mine too worries
I know you can't understand this
That's why I say: goodbye!
Chorus 3:
Hey, mister president
I'm sending you in retirement
For a tea, a coffee
You already had cake
And I'm looking for someone to talk to
About you and me and everyone
Then let's listen to oasis
Check out what's going on
Hey, mister president
I chose you
You're now my new hero
You give me what I'm missing
But tell me
Do you still have time for me tomorrow