Cinema Recorded Music Library my kind of girl

I won't be dancing tonight, I played my cards just right, and I have found someone, oh someone to love me.
No excuses, oh no, you blew my fuses, and though my lights are down, I'm so glad I found you.
My kinda girl, my kinda girl, I searched all the world to find, my girl, my piece of mind.
And all those guys dressed to kil, I know someday they will, find somebody to, but they won't find you.
Because you told me today, that you want me to stay, and stay I will, I'm so glad I found you.
My kinda girl (Oh yeah), My kinda girl.
I searched all the world to find, my girl, my piece of mind.
My Kinda girl (You're just in time), my kinda girl, I want all the world to see, that girl that's in love with me.
Oh Ohh.
My Kinda girl, my kinda girl, searched all the world to find, my girl, my piece of mind.
My knda girl, my kinda girl, I want all the world to see, that girl that's in love with me.
My kinda girl, Yes you're mine.
My kinda girl, searched all the world to find, my girl, my piece of mind. (repeated to end)