Cipes animals oh why

The Yogis they teach us Ahimsa
Non-violence, to be happy and free,
For all the beings of this world
The animals the plants and humanity.
Sweet fruit in abundance and vegetation
The gifts of our Mother Earth
The Garden of Eden is ours for cultivation
Our human right from birth!
So tell me why must we eat the Animals?
Oh Why? Oh Why?
tell me why must we eat the Animals?
Oh Why? Oh Why?
tell me why must we eat the Animals?
Oh Why? Oh Why?
tell me why must we eat the Animals?
Oh Why? Oh Why?
The shrimp decorate their underwater caves
And the mighty buffalo roam
The cows want to love their babies young
The birds nest in trees for homes
The clown fish you see them mate in pairs
And the dolphin - they speak like me
The whales have global communication
Intelligence is all I see!
So tell me why must we eat the Animals?
Oh Why? Oh Why?
tell me why must we eat the Animals?
can't you see the innocence in their eyes?
tell me why must we eat the Animals?
tel me why? Oh Why?
tell me why must we eat the Animals?
one love one life make the planet survive
Endless slaughter, dark, and painful lives
...most the animals know
We are the shepherds of this Earth
-up to us to nurture and grow
Why have we forgotten our heritage?
and why is Babylon too blind to see?
we're all the children of this world
Animals- in our family
So tell me why must we eat the Animals?
Oh Why? Oh Why?
tell me why must we eat the Animals?
the mother earth is here to provide
tell me why must we eat the Animals?
tell me why oh Why?
tell me why must we eat the Animals?
they love the life like you and I
Aristotle and Buddha and Einstein
Abraham Lincoln-Mahatma Gandhi,
The Rastas the Jains and the Hindus
They say that vegetarian is healthy
It's the solution for Global Warming
And the planet's prosperity
So tell me why must we eat the Animals?
There is no reason that I can see...
So tell me why must we eat the Animals?
tell me why? Oh Why?
tell me why must we eat the Animals?
if you grow your food then noone has to die
tell me why must we eat the Animals?
Tell me why? Oh Why?
tell me why must we eat the Animals?
give me just one good reason why
why are we living for today not tomorrow
why are we manifesting pain and sorrow
Give me energy to find a solution
instead of making so much war and pollution
changing your patterns can seem so hard, but if
you open up your hearts and let down your guard
seek the answers to your questions and you
may find the light that we all have inside
in the spiritual world
there are no slaughter houses
and you don't just talk, you sing
you don't just walk, you dance
and the trees, the trees provide you with
everything you could ever possibly need yeah
so tell me why must we eat the Animals?
Oh Why? Oh Why?
tell me why must we eat the Animals?
Oh Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?
so tell me why must we eat the Animals?
Oh Why? Oh Why?
so tell me why must we eat the Animals?
Oh Why? Oh Why?
so tell me why must we eat the Animals?
Oh Why? Oh Why?
tell me why must we eat the Animals?
Oh Why? Oh Why?
tell me why must we eat the Animals?
Oh Why? Oh Why?
tell me why must we eat the Animals?
Oh Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?