Cirkus Miramar sol partyschottis

It was the year of grace and a snow-white spring
after winter and boredom
but in the summer it is meant
that everything should be a party
then towards Gröna Lund and at Kalmarsund
long queues curl forward
towards a paradise which in a way
becomes a satanic Samarkand
But listen up now friends and I'll tell you
what you have to look forward to when summer comes
it get drunk and police Cinzano After Beach
it will be thirty-eight days - without the slightest bit of sleep
in Tylösand and in the harbor of Smögens
goes the beer hog in tires
and in a reggae beat on a sailing yacht
the party people are dancing necks
and a German family - is not a quiet family
it is RAUS unt Sturm und Drang!
when a raggar gang takes a little turn
down in the cemetery pond
But stop now good friends shall I tell you
what you have to look forward to when summer comes
it will be a pig party without a pig and Cinzano After Beach
LalAALaLLaALAll< br/>to the blue, blue melody - mm å five weeks Ledin
and when the folk beer flows, the gulls' song
is as beautiful as ever sunset
and when the sun goes down behind Andersson's ass
then OP is replaced by pills and hashish...
it will be a pig party without pig and Cinzano After Beach
it gets drunk and police and Cinzano After Beach