Claudinho E Buchecha chance

Today time tends more,
to evaluate mistakes
those who are not afraid are
capable of following
their destiny or smiling
I wanted it so much, so much to see ish
happiness invade my being
with you, with you
bonds of happiness
love of unlimited eternity
makes me smile and cry, mixing
and in our case there were only
a few moments left
but in truth, with total
I learned to deal with such
cruelty< br/>I know I made a mistake, and so did you
I gave you so much love, could it be that
it's over
today I feel like nothing came of it... , nothing
Time made me understand that
my life is you
I can only smile, if I'm by
your side
so let's archive, all
mistakes from the past
and it has to be now, who knows
it's time
Don't wait for it to happen, so
the chance doesn't go away.