Claudio Baglioni vecchio samuel

Take your violin
Play a little for me
I'll be close to you
Old Samuel
You're waiting for a pension
That they'll never give you
But you meanwhile, go ahead
Old Samuel
What will you look for
Among the things in that drawer
That love that you no longer have
Just now when you need a little affection
You always think of the time that once was
Of such a beautiful dream of youth
When you walked with your head up
Old Samuel
You can't find it anymore
That half photo of your wife
If she was beautiful you don't know anymore
But the memory still lasts
And the memory cannot be taken away
That photo could
Make you take a I jump back to 30 years ago
When you didn't ask for charity 
Take your violin
Play a little for me
I'll stay close to you
Old Samuel
Retirement is a great thing
But they told you that it's not up to you
What do you want to do with it Samuel
Old Samuel
What will you eat
If you don't today give it a little work
Remembering is good but you know
He doesn't bring anything to eat
And he goes straight into that tavern
Four slightly out of tune notes of a symphony< br/>And meanwhile another day has gone away
Old Samuel
You don't know it
But the Lord sees and loves you
And knows the faith you have
/>Despite all your pain
From tonight you are no longer here
But you are really much better
Finally up there
You will no longer have to stand upside down
They granted you that pension
If it had been a year earlier what a satisfaction
But instead it's late and you no longer need it