Claudio Cuellar gracias por ser

I got up and I couldn't stop thinking
about that time when you made me dream.
I got up, wanting to caress your being,
and let you know that there is something inside you,
br/>it filled me with love, there was fear in me,
and that great pain... but someone brought it to me
and I fell in love...!
Thank you for being my great inspiration
Thank you for being the one who always loved me
Thank you for being the strength within me
You are everything to me, and I'm not going to let you go
Today I remembered, when I met you
and I discovered everything that was in me
and I understood that love had finally arrived
and that it was for me
/>I knew that he heard me, and answered me,
when I asked God for a gift
he sent me to you, and he found us
and it all started.
Thank you for being my great inspiration
Thank you for being the one who always loved me
Thank you for being the strength within me
You are everything to me, and I won't let you go!
Thank you for seeing me (thank you for being)
The strength inside me (the force)
Thank you for seeing me.. the one who always loved me..
Thank you for seeing... the strength inside me...
you are everything to me! and I won't let you go!