Closterkeller czekajc na dzie

I'm calling, I'm calling out the unconscious thoughts
Which my dream tied up
I'm waiting, I'm still waiting for the moment
when I forget the nightmare of the night
The chills come back when I wake up cold
The memory of these moments does not give me live
I still see them
I hear their scream again
I look, I look into my eyes
Eyes of a traitor, eyes of an enemy
I can't even cry anymore< br/>The moon will rise and I can sleep again
I am waiting for that day
When I won't be afraid anymore
When the memories are fresh
My they will drive away the nightmare
Which I still see
It comes back every night
The mirror reflects my face
The mirror kills my soul
I see, I still see
W flare every night
The day will rise - and I won't be afraid anymore