cLOUDDEAD the teen keen skip

I'm sick of keen eyed teens
Keying car doors in the middle of the night
They won't believe
Their donning dangling carrot cams
Youngsters today are not prepared
To buy plants or collect stamps
They won't believe their wearing lead lined pants
Keeping them inert like just a carrot can't
Aging in the space
Between two magnets face to face
Your house keys
Are cut from utter nonsense
From the ground
To utter nonsense up
When the people factory shuts down
There is not mad fan dangle
On the opposite ends of telescopes
In spotlights in sub particles of rock
The petty douse of your death spread over light years
Awaiting the impact of laughter diffuse through space
There is no search
Party for a star gone dim
Are you prepared to give a guided tour
Of your planet to something like God
To speak on behalf of all phylum
From single-celled to sapien?
Are all your cells in agreement?
The empty space between
Distant airs doesn't care