Clowns swallow your dreams

They say you can trust what comes from the ground but I know better than that now.
And that you only use 10 of your brain, but in this new consciousness I swear that I have used more.
Swiped sideways the curtain and witnessed a war
Where an A-bomb has been dropped in my head and the shape of its cloud has left an imprint
that won't recover and won't be the same again.
Just cos it's in your head
Doesn't mean it's not real.
What is real? What am I?
I'm slowly but surely losing my mind.
Thinking psychotic thoughts,
I'd follow them out if I wasn't impaired.
My skin is melting.
I want it off, I need it off, I'll scratch it off.
This is the new me now with my broken, second hand mind. Traumatised, paralysed and hypnotised.
Just cos it's in your head
doesn't mean it's not real. Doesn't mean it is not happening.
It's your worst nightmare.
From how silly you have been with psilocybin, now swallow your dreams.
You gotta let your mind
Develop before you expand it.
You gotta learn to let it... go