Confession confusedhopeless

This world that we live in is a lonely place to hide,
This is just the beginning of a story I'm here to tell you.
I'll hang this cross upside down around my neck,
Forget about what you believe in, forget about everything that you stood for.
All the lies confused minds fucking blind
Seeking shelter under a sun, a sun that never sets
Seeking shelter in a world of lies under a sun that never sets.
Time will tell, if it's my time I will lie down and burn under this sun,
If it is my time I will burn so bright
I'm still pissing blood
I'll give you one reason why I cannot stand the sight of you
Sinking always sinking
I clearly stole this line from a friend of mine
You're praying to no one because no one fucking cares
Set me free
Let me sun bake in hell