Consoli Carmen lingua a sonagli

Consoli Carmen
Two Words
Rattle Tongue
I look at the bottom of a hole that
remains unlit
inside the ants talk about me
silence around, Ã It's easy
to distinguish the voices of the clouds
and in this silence
I think of the shady silent shot
reserved behind my back
most honored!
why don't you speak
so I can flush you out
rattle tongue
spit in the mouth of your brothers
maybe the sun is shy
doesn't speak to the wind
about strange fervors hidden within oneself
while the sea is livid
always hangs under the sky
talking about it is useless
and in this silence
I think of the shady silent shot
br/>reserved behind my back
most honored!
why don't you speak
so that I can study you
rattle tongue
spit in the mouths of your brothers
why don't you speak
so I can flush you out
rattle tongue