Conte Paolo boogie

Conte Paolo
Author: Conte_Paolo
Title: Boogie
Two notes and the chorus had already sunk in the air...< br/>those two continued, from her rose the smell of colonials
who reached him as if from one of those old-time drugstores
who kept the door open in front of the spring...
someone nearby began to sneeze,
the fan hummed immensely from the exhausted ceiling,
the saxes, hypnotized... from her movements spread
noises of rubber and paint, from him of leather ...
the lights flashed on the Pekingese face of the cashier
who smoked menthol, others sneezed without malice
and the song was elegant, the orchestra had started, took off...
the musicians, one with the ceiling and the floor,
only the drummer in the shadows watched with evil looks...
those two danced well, a new cashier replaced the first,
/>this one had the eyes of a wolf and was chewing Alescan sweets,
that music continued, it was a song that said and didn't say,
the orchestra swayed like a palm tree in front of a sea
those two knew by heart where they wanted to get...
a fifth character ended in nothing...
it was an adult world,
they made mistakes as professionals. ..